Tuesday, October 26, 2010


from the bridge

i guess i shouldn't have been so quick to lament november's coming arrival. the day brightened up slightly in the afternoon allowing me time for a quick walk after work. in the waning light i tromped through the trees, my feet quiet on a thick bed of maple leaves. the creek rushed by and the steady hooting of an owl far off in the trees reminded me that halloween is just around the corner. bundled in my thick sweater i returned home with rosy cheeks and a chilly nose, my head a bit cleared. happy october to you!

holding on

arden creek


Tara said...

Lovely pictures. Glad you were able to get outside for some fresh air.

kate said...

And today is another almost November day. But thank goodness for the little breaks to get us out into those woods - those little breaths of air and the calming effect of the trees works wonders.

Rachel said...

Beautiful! Winter is coming too early here as well...snow on the hills around town, mixed with rain in town. I remind myself it is almost November. It's expected.

terri said...

love these pictures. Brings back memories of last year at this time when mom and I were visiting.
we are having interesting weather too, Wed. went to work without a coat, today on my walk with the dogs, and had a hat and mittens on. can feel the winter coming.